Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So for the past couple months Ive searched up and down St Gizzy for a particular type of shoe. I am so excited to say I found them. What are they? They are Jellie sandals and I am now a proud owner of them. lol They are so comfortable and super cute!


Carsen and Lesina said...

i hate you again cuz these shoes are cute.

Laura said...

Hi Guys!!! Are you recovered from the Cobras game? That was such a crapy game!!! Jae is so freakin cute!!! We need to get him and D.C. together to play! I guess we will see you at the Team Party on July 11th. we will let you know what time and everything!

coheiress said...

dannng...they ARE

Troy and Segi said...

yeah i like those shoes too. you should give me a pair

coheiress said...

i know huh?... im always online on here...but nothing's happened in my life lately!!! havent even lost any of my two pairs of sandals i got!!!! not like sina who's got 25 pairs and STILL notices somethin'!!!!...luv it tho...gona update for sure before the week is over..:)

Rob and Heather said...

Love the jellies! If I'd only known that they would come back instyle, I would have kept mine from middle school (boy does that date me). ugh. Pretty cute. Where and Were they Pricey$$$? Ya gotta tell ya, can't just dangle them in our noses...